Paying your bills on time is a very important part of determining your credit. The more you pay your bills on time the better your credit is. If you are someone that has a hard time with keeping billing dates in mind one way to make sure your bills are paid is by using a personal calendar or if you on the internet a lot you can sign up for g-mail and create a calendar. In g-mail when you set up a calendar you can be reminded by e-mails and alerts. If you are glued to your cellphone you can always add in notes a few days before your bill is due and the day that your bill is due so you can make sure to come up with enough money to cover all your bills. I find both methods are very useful. When paying bills you can categorize which ones are due in the beginning of the month and than the ones that are due in the middle and end. Staying organized by using a filing cabinet or folder for each company and keeping it in a safe place also helps. I am a fan of stamps and actually get a kick out of stamping my bills. You can find stamps at walmart maybe even home depot mine says PAID, RECEIVED and PAST DUE. It is always a good feeling to stamp PAID on each envelope:) Doing this will reduce stress and give you a peace of mind:)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Keeping up to date/ Organization
Paying your bills on time is a very important part of determining your credit. The more you pay your bills on time the better your credit is. If you are someone that has a hard time with keeping billing dates in mind one way to make sure your bills are paid is by using a personal calendar or if you on the internet a lot you can sign up for g-mail and create a calendar. In g-mail when you set up a calendar you can be reminded by e-mails and alerts. If you are glued to your cellphone you can always add in notes a few days before your bill is due and the day that your bill is due so you can make sure to come up with enough money to cover all your bills. I find both methods are very useful. When paying bills you can categorize which ones are due in the beginning of the month and than the ones that are due in the middle and end. Staying organized by using a filing cabinet or folder for each company and keeping it in a safe place also helps. I am a fan of stamps and actually get a kick out of stamping my bills. You can find stamps at walmart maybe even home depot mine says PAID, RECEIVED and PAST DUE. It is always a good feeling to stamp PAID on each envelope:) Doing this will reduce stress and give you a peace of mind:)
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1 comment:
I must say- I really enjoyed your comments. Google is a great tool for helping you to remember what's most important. And, yes, your bills couldn't be more!
Keep up the good work.
Oh- and if you get a minute, come visit us at It's always nice to run into another blogger of the same make. :)
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